Pre-GSA workshop

Connecting emerging lab data management capabilities to community geochemistry systems

October 6-7, 2022

Denver, Colorado

  • Thursday and Friday prior to GSA Connects 2022
  • Room 206 of the Denver Convention Center

We are pleased to announce the final workshop of the NSF EarthCube Geochronology project. In this two-day community forum, we will discuss recent advances and plan future collaborations in the realm of geochemical data handling.


Over the past three years, the EarthCube Geochronology team has built the Sparrow lab information management system, prototyped new tools and formats for geochemical data interchange, and compiled new datasets using these capabilities. We will showcase this emerging lab-centered approach to geochemical data, seek input on how to build new integrations, and discuss impediments we have encountered and how to avoid them in the next phase of work.

Our work is situated within a broad community effort towards geochemical data standards and integration. We will discuss the activities of other organizations and, guided by the state of the art, plan future collaborations towards capable, scalable, and multipolar digital systems for Earth data handling.


  • Attendance will be open to all interested parties with prior registration.
  • Parts of the program will be available for virtual audiences.
  • Up to 30 attendees will receive a stipend of $800-1000 for travel costs. Preference will be given to early-career researchers and community members engaged in related work.
  • Register your interest in attending by filling out this web form.
  • The schedule and additional information will be posted at the main workshop site.
  • Contact Daven Quinn with any questions or suggestions.

Guiding themes

Labs in the geochemical data ecosystem

  • Sparrow and the role of a "lab information management system"
  • Progress on Sparrow implementation in labs
  • Difficulties and areas for future improvement
  • Building new interfaces with acquisition software (e.g., Probe for EPMA, Tripoli, MassSpec)
  • Supporting more lab workflows and users

Community approaches to geochemical data handling

  • EarthChem
  • The OneGeochemistry network
  • The Sedimentary Geochemisty and Paleoenvironments project
  • The USGS geochemical database
  • Domain-specific data standards development

Software to connect geochemical data systems

  • Integrating lab science with community systems including Macrostrat, Neotoma, ICE-D, EarthChem etc.
  • Sustainable design and shared governance for data-handling software components
  • Integrating other organizations (e.g., EarthChem, USGS, BGS) into these emerging capabilities

Towards future collaborations

  • Needs for communication, skills development, and staffing
  • Coordination and technical collaboration between organizations
  • Planning collaborations to support future multi-organization efforts