Sparrow Database

Sparrow utilizes a PostgreSQL database. PostgreSQL is a powerful open-source relational database with a large community with resources and documentation. It can be useful to view and interact with Sparrow using a PostgreSQL client application that has a user interface for interacting and checking tables. Connecting to a local implementation of Sparrow is slightly easier, but a networked version is also possible.

Local connection

For local development on Mac OS and Windows, these parameters are needed to connect to the database. For Mac OS, Postico has been used to connect. On Windows DBeaver has been used to connect locally.

  • Host: localhost
  • Port: 54321
  • User: postgres
  • Database: sparrow

Server connection

Depending on the server setup, the following will allow you to login to your remote Sparrow instance and view the database. For a primer on creating SSH keys for servers, take a look at this tutorial.

  • Host: localhost
  • Port: 54321
  • User: postgres
  • Database: sparrow
  • SSH Host: your-server-url
  • User: your-server-login
  • Private Key: SSH-key for your server